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Fear And Failure

American President Mr Franklin D Roosevelt once said "The only thing we have to fear is fear". Fear is the feeling of anxiety concerning the outcome of something or the safety of someone or the likelihood of something unwelcome happening. Fear is an unwanted emotion that will let you from thinking clearly and solve issues. Fear is a false anticipation of  something to go wrong.Fear is a necessary evil. Fear often helps you in physical situations  by boosting adrenalin. But in mental and intellectual troubles fear is an adverse factor. When fear is inflicted it reduces your ability to think and lead you by instincts.

Shakespeare in one of his famous dramas said "When you fear a foe, fear crushes your strength ; and this weakness gives strength to your opponents"
 It is same in the case of problems in life. When you begin to fear them they will only grow. But rather when you start to face them you will see they will begin to melt away like ice. There is no life after solving all the things that troubles you. But you must learn to live between them and for that it necessary to overcome fear. A coward dies many a time and the valiant tastes death but only once.

It is you who can set how you can go. To fear means not trusting yourself. If you know your strength then there is no need to fear. You are bound to find  a solution. To overcome fear you have to be dare to do what you fear for. Failure is a virtue as it gives you a new lesson of life. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."said Winston Churchill. Experience is the best teacher. Success is just a pass to the next tier of problems.
Failure is an invitation to compete against yourself.

Thomas Alva Edison the great scientist failed a thousand time while inventing bulb. If he had thought that it was impossible then wouldn't  have a marvelous invention and a scientist. When he was asked about that he said "Every time i failed i found how not to make a bulb". It is his positive that let him to be successful. Every failure is a chance to learn something new. 
I'm sure that it is our attitude towards a problem makes you brave or coward. So is it the complexes or weakness of the human nature or something else cause for fear ?


  1. Nice to see an outspoken blogger. Yes, fear is a terrible deterrent. As Mahatma Gandhi said, "Dictators and bullies ride on the backs of cowards." And this is happening in India now. However, there is hope, it seems.

    See this, for instance:


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