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Man and The Mask

If you want to say something and have people listen then you have to wear a mask. If you want to be honest then you have to live a lie. – Banksy An honest man is mocked by his people. They know what he really is and doesn't care if he wants to change the world. But a mask on his face and men are ready to gulp what he says. Could've Peter Parker made the city better without the mask he had. 

 The superheroes and villains of all times has a mask as part of their heroic heist. Men wears ask when he has hints to hide. Often something to hide can  make them bold. For the heroes they had to hide their identity or else they can bring danger to all of their beloveds and it also make them bold to stand for what they think right. So they seems to wear a mask. Here superheroes are fictional and let's leave to their makers. Lets have a critical study on the masks that we wear today and what has it to do. Masks helps you to hide things. 

Today we use masks of life to hide our disabilities and fear. It also makes us  As the life got more complex the number of masks that we wear increased countlessly. The life has changed from living to acting. Our life has changed mechanical.we disguises ourselves righteous through social media by reacting against evil through #tags and posts and when a situation arises we are not sure what has to be done.We are afraid to react in the real life. We want to show ourselves good in front of the mass. So we make a mask around us and makes a false image which may later been shattered and that can bring disgrace on us. Like icebergs, people normally expose only a small part of themselves, and generally just the part they wish to show.
And here i too used a mask so that i am able to speak what i feel without fear for anything. This explains everything plainly...

thank you,,


  1. No one's a hero when he hides his face at the heels of a mask.Sadly all hero's who save the world do it behind a mask..
    They too r afraid of something
    And can we call them superheros??

    1. They need a mask that makes them bolder. In real life the leaders or heroes of the nation makes up a mask which is able to cover up their weakness and make them seem powerful in front of the enemies


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