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Game of Words

 Paulo Coelho in his book, Zahir  portraits  a desperate writer who is bound to find his Zahir, the lost love. The protagonist reveals his reasons to write. He wanted respect for himself. He wanted to express the feelings and leave an impact in other's life. He wanted to play the game, game of words.

It is from Zahir I took inspiration to write. Words can have a mystic power. The pen can often write itself, provided with a reason. But it is not what it makes good writers. People tend to keep a diary upon hearing their idols maintain one. But after the first few entries, it is discarded altogether. The truth is writing is an art which chooses its destiny. The destiny of a writer lies at the tip of his pen and not in his hands. For many its a path to glory wealth  and whatever. But for some others it is  life. And that's why I wanted to be one of them.

Autobiography is a way of writing which prevailed through out all stages of writing.Autobiography is the craziest and most thrilling experience and challenge of writing career. It makes a writer to put up his best work as he does not want to mess with his life's work. Then there is poems, novels, stories and so many on. My urge to write was catered out of my will to be heard. I was not courageous. In the  times of bourgeoisie's many female writers published their works in male names. It was a pretense mastered to penetrate through the censoring and social views back then.  Apart from the male chauvinism, they all saw a common vision. A chance to be heard. Words might not mean the same always, It can be persuasive, illusive, disruptive or can be anything.

Zahir means a zest or obsession made by anything. It can be your obsession to the pen or to the words. There is a sense of pride when he is accepted and pain when discarded. But today we see a shift to a fast paced life where we want things to be simpler, easier and convenient. But the art of words gets complicated day by day. And so it loses its audience. Today we have the vlogs, internet videos, trolls all taking up the place of literary works. Isn't it an art form that ought to be protected. I'm not a martyr of writing or any hero. But a simple, poor chap who wants to see writing as it is till the last of it. Let the champions fight it, but every single cheer of the crowd is their gain. Let the game continue, with me to the worlds and beyond....


  1. You are doing a good job to begin with. Go ahead and you'll find writing is a pleasure.

    1. Yes it is and it's why I wanted to write. Thank you. It this appreciation and encouragement makes up a writer in me.

  2. Love the post. Keep writing you are doing well!

  3. Just what i wanted to hear rn !!


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