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Twists of faith

Dean was a bright, young chap from Oxford. He was interested in studying other people, so he decided to pursue a Masters in Philosophy.  His dream was to obtain a PhD in the same discipline.

Dean was walking down the road one day, when he suddenly went up to a pool and dipped his head in water. A stranger nearby, felt uneasy watching this odd behavior and asked him, "Hey dude, what's that you are doing there?”   “Huh?", Dean replied, "I’m trying to suffocate myself, so that my thinking, will stop." "What? What is so terrible in your thoughts, that you need to suffocate yourself? ", asked the man?

 "I was thinking of religion, mate”, said Dean.  The stranger felt uneasy, hearing that a man would want to avoid thinking about religion. He thought that this man must be crazy. He asked, "What's your name?" Dean said to the man, “My name is Dean and as you seem to have interest in me, I'll tell you my story."

This is how he began . . . “On a fine day I attended church and the priest influenced me. He taught the orphans and nursed the sick. I thought that he was an ideal priest, so I decided to learn from him. He taught me that, "Sinners, run for your life, God is coming. Repent your sins and get refuge under his arms of mercy. God is love and your savior." I felt an urge for the merciful lord and decide to study about Jesus and his church. My father who was a rationalist, warned me about society's attitude towards religion. "You are not supposed to think, you are not supposed to question and you are not supposed to doubt anything they say” said my father.

 As I learned more and more about the Savior and his church, doubts seemed to pile up in my mind. I managed to suppress them and move on, but after time, these doubts became irrepressible. One day I found myself asking questions of my mentor. "Why is religion stuck to the heart of the non-believers, who pose to be extreme devotees. Shouldn't it be the other way around?" My mentor lashed out and told me, "you are a sinner. The devil himself. You should be excommunicated." I was thrown out of the church. It was only then I realized, that one person, could build can be brought down by someone else’s beliefs and power. The priest who made me repent my sins in the beginning and who then threw me out of the church, was taught the same as me, that we were servants of the same God. Like their lord Jesus was mocked and crucified by the Jews, I felt like I now faced the same hypocrisy. From then on, I was afraid to think about religion. I keep it out of my words, my dreams and my thoughts.”

The stranger started laughing and Dean was shocked.  He realized that this stranger, was the same priest who has brought him to the fold and then had Dean excommunicated, for questioning the Word of God.  What he had done for and to Dean, had allowed for him to be promoted in the church, for his services. Dean was very upset.  He asked him, “After all these years, how do you feel about what you did to me?" The priest said, "I did what I was supposed to. I do not feel any regrets." Dean responded, "That's your problem, you don't realize the fruit of your labor."  At that, Dean grabbed the priests collar and tried to kill him. The police were called and charged Dean with attempt of murder. Now the once brilliant student, who turned to religion and was henceforth turned upon, became venomously anti-religious and was now reduced to criminal status.


  1. Hi sir.. Iam a big fan of yours.. Best wishes for your next creations 🥰


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