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Hug,Harmony and Education

Recently I've come across the news of a boy being suspended for hugging a girl in the school premises. It occured in Kerala with its highly educated society. Oh god! This is ridiculous. Being a citizen residing in kerala I'm ashamed to accept such a heinous crime aganst the blooming generation took place in my society. With the informations filling in and the responses from the schools and parents, it is clear that it is the school authorities who have been blowing into the fire. The boy have already appoligised for his behaviour.

A boy hugged a girl after she won a prize in recitation. A hug ! Nothing more. It was a gesture of their excitement and appreciation. Till now I believed that school is a place of education and correction and not punishment and labour. But with incidents such as this it is time to rethink. The flaws in the current education system is getting more attention. It seems that afterall the school authorities only care about their reputation and not the future or mental state of the students. Why is it so that they teach them they are brothers and sisters and are not allowed to touch.

Suspension and excommunication are the severe punishments that can be given to students. As a boy and girl of 17 and 18 these acts will hold mental depression and other psychological disorders in the students. Even in case of harassment no authorities would procede unless they recieve a petition from the so called victim. Here, the girl and her parents ahve decided to stay away from attention and that they've got no complaints. The school commented that it took these steps as to make the other parents feel secure about their students. But actually it have managed to sent out the message that it cares about its previlage and prestige and also that their students will be punished, but not corrected.

The current systen stands outdated as it was designed and perfected for an industrial age society, where everything was knowledge centric. But the modern world is a rapid, dynamic, creative and emotional centric environment. Today expressions play a greater role than ever. This incident should have ended with a warning or by the time the students appologised. It should not have been dragged into court disrupting their studies abd friendship between the students. It is such managements that denies the peaceful coexistence of male and female as friends afterall.


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