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Enemy behind the door

Lola, a 17 year old girl was preparing for her exams in the morning. She was utterly furious when her mother interrupted her.
"Lola, get downstairs" shouted her mom
Lola lived in a small house near the street along her Dad and Mom. She also had a brother studying in town. Their only livelihood was her dad's business around the street.
Mom said, "go, buy some milk from the shop. Dad is not feeling okay"
Lola asked her mother "mom why's dad strange these days? Last day he simply shouted at me when I was studying. I've ne'er seen him like that"
         "You dumb girl. Are you standing there to cross your father? Will you get some milk or should i go?" Shouted her mother.
Lola was startled at  her mother's reaction and ran out with watering eyes. It was the first time she had such an experience from her family. For the past few days she felt like she was living in a hell.

She returned home later and laid down on the couch. Her parents entered the room ready to go out. On seeing her, her Dad lashed out " you've got exams tomorrow and now you sleeping on the couch." She was taken aback. She was a bright student and she never gave a chance for her parents to question her. Before she could defend herself, her father continued " you've failed me.."
Lola was never scolded by her parents and now it was unbearable for her." Leave me alone. I know how to handle myself" she shouted like anything. Stunned by her words her parents left Without another word.
She felt relieved, now they are gone. She felt not to study and she picked her phone and logged into facebook. It was by afternoon that she noticed her parents are not back home. She picked up her phone and called her mother.
"Mom where the hell are you ?"
"We are still at the hospital. Your dad had a cheat pain for the last few weeks and is now admitted into the hospital" said her mother and hung up the phone.

It was an utter shock foe Lola. She remembered her last words with her Dad. Some fear covered her. All the frightening stories from her childhood came to her memory. She noticed a strange shadow behind the door. She thought it was the messenger of death.

Her mother came back the nexr day from hospital to find Lola sitting shivering and staring at their rooms door. It looked as if she was out of her mind. Lola was weak and mumbling.
"Lola, baby, dad is safe" said her mother to console her. Lola told her mother about the shadow standing behind the door in mumbled words.
"Its nothing to worry babe, its your imagination". There is no one" said the mother and her phone rang at once. Her mother fainted down to the floor. Lola's brother studying outside the town met and accident and passed away.
It was a great shock for Lola who was so close with her brother. She collapsed without another word and never again opened her eyes. A shadow emerged out of the door and vanished into the thin air, near Lolas sobbing mother.

The end.


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